What is Uric Acid, symptoms, causes and food to reduce uric acid

What is Uric Acid, symptoms, causes and food to reduce uric acid  What is Uric Acid ?  U ric acid is a natural body waste byproduct or chemical created when the substance  called purines break down which are found in many foods and drinks such as liver, shellfish, dried beans, peas, and alcohol. Also formed in the body when DNA is broken down. A high level of uric acid in the blood is also called hyperuricemia. In our body most uric acid dissolves in blood and travels to the kidneys from there. Most of the uric acid leaves your body when you pee and when you poop. But if your body makes too much uric acid and your kidneys aren't working well, uric acid can build up in the blood because of this crystals of uric acid can form and collect in the joints. This causes painful inflammation. This condition is called gout. Symptoms of gout include: Joint pain or soreness Swelling in a joints or red skin around a joint Swelling and pain in a big  ankle, toe or knee Get tested ...

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Welcome to Healhnheal, this is health related blog. I am Avinash Kumar trying to provide health related information and tips, with an emphasis on yoga, diet, exercise and lot more. 

Started  Healhnheal blog on 24th July 2020 with the vision to show the path of healthy Leaving. To remain healthy and fit we have to spend some time doing Yoga, Exercise, Meditation and take healthy diet. If we do these things in our life, we will find the solution of every problem.

I hope my effort to make everyone healthy, will be beneficial. . If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Avinash Kumar

Contact us : healthnheeal@gmail.com


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What is Uric Acid, symptoms, causes and food to reduce uric acid