Yoga Poses To Boost the Immune System
As Covid-19 (Coronavirus) scare the whole world, people are getting more concerned about their health. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and stress are causes of weakened immune system. The immune system is a organized network of cells, tissues, and organs that defend the body from germs, viruses etc.Yoga is one way you can naturally increase your immunity without stepping out of your home.
1. Halasana (Plough pose)
- Lie on your back with your arms beside you, palms downwards. As you inhale, use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet off the floor, raising your legs vertically at a angle of 90 degree.
- Continue breathing normally and supporting your hips and back with your hands lifting them off the ground.
- Allow your legs to sweep in a angle of 180 degree over your head till your toes touch the floor slowly.
- Make an attempt for a minute and few seconds for beginners. Hold this pose and let your body relax while breathing.
2. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose)
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
- Extend your arms along the floor, palms flat. 10-12 inches from your pelvis, with knees and ankles in a straight line. Press your feet and arms into the floor.
- Exhale as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold the posture for a minute or two and exhale as you gently release the pose.
- Draw your tailbone toward your pubic bone, holding your buttocks off the floor. Do not squeeze your buttocks while doing this.
- Roll your shoulders back. Extend your arms along the floor beneath your pelvis. Straighten your arms as much as possible, pressing your forearms into the floor. Keep your thighs and feet parallel.
- Hold for up to one minute and exhale as you gently release the pose.Allow your knees to drop together
3. Shishuasana (Child's pose)
- Sit on your heels. Keeping your hips on the heels, bend forward, and lower your forehead to the floor.
- Keep the arms alongside your body with hands on the floor.
- Hold for few minutes then slowly come up and sit in relax position.
4. Matsyasana (Fish pose)
- First of all have a couple of slow and deep breath then Lie on your back with your feet together and hands relaxed alongside the body.
- Place the hands underneath the hips, palms facing down. Bring the elbows closer toward each other.
- Breathing in, lift the head and chest up. Keeping the chest elevated, lower the head backward and touch the top of the head lightly touching to the floor press the elbows firmly into the ground, placing the weight on the elbow only.
- Lift the chest and arch the spine as much as you can comfortably. Place the crown of your head on the floor. Remember to not put pressure on your head.
- Close the eyes and relax your body. Take slow and deep breaths. Hold the final position for a few seconds for around 30 to 60 seconds.
- Then lift the head up, lowering the chest and head to the floor. Bring the hands back along the sides of the body. And Relax.
Perfect Avinash. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. It is really required at this time of corona outbreak.